How To Stay Fit and Healthy


Fitness plays a very vital role in our daily lives.The right types and amounts of exercise will almost certainly lengthen your life, strengthen your brain, affect your waistline and even clear debris from inside your body’s cells. But too much exercise  might have undesirable effects on your body.

Some daily tips for healthy living are:-

1:WATER - Adequate water can actually reverse atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries due to plaque build-up). It seems that water can actually flush the arteries of plaque.It is also very necessary for keeping your heart healthy.
Most importantly it raises the metabolism and allows for stored fat to be burned more efficiently as well as slowing heart rate, reducing blood pressures and reducing fluid retention.
We should drink boiled water with few drops of lemon in it after each meal.It helps to reduce the fat in our body.

2: BREAKFAST - Breakfast should include at least four grams of fibre, which in turn reduces cholesterol and fat in the blood.It also reduces cancer and diabetes risk. Good sources of fibre are cereals, dried beans and lentiles.
You can even add nuts and seeds to breakfast and a whole piece of fruit as well. Whole wheat toast, a bagel or a bran muff is NOT a good source of fibre.
It also reduces the risk of cancers by preventing absorption of carcinogens and reduces cholesterol by preventing its absorption.
Breakfast should be the heaviest, while lunch should be a little less, and supper even less than that.

3:VEGETABLES: Choose at least two different vegetables at lunch and at supper. First eat a full plate of salad before every meal and then eat the rest of your meal. Rice, potato and corn are starches and are NOT counted as vegetables.Eating proper green vegetables helps for weak eye sights and even control the hair problems.

4:WALKING - Walk for 25 minutes every night after supper. The benefits of walking after supper compared to walking before supper are many. It can lower your blood sugar by 50 per cent and burn calories the whole time you sleep.

5:YOGA-It is the best way in which one can keep themselves healthy and fit.Physical postures of yoga are used to alleviate health problems, reduce stress and make the spine supple in contemporary times. Yoga is also used as a complete exercise program and physical therapy routine. One should do yoga every morning as it keeps our mind active and energetic the whole day.

                                                                                                                         -  Meenakshi Gupta
                                                                                                                            (J.D Tytler, 11th standard)


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